Faculty session to provide information on supports for student international experience

Excerpt: The University of Windsor’s Go Global programs provide financial support to eligible undergraduate students to participate in an international study or work experience to strengthen their global skills and competencies, especially low-income students, students with disabilities, and Indigenous students who do not typically participate in this type of experience.
Faculty can learn more about financial support available for students to participate in international study or work experience at an information session Aug. 1.
Faculty can learn more about financial support available for students to participate in international study or work experience at an information session Aug. 1.

The University of Windsor’s Go Global programs provide financial support to eligible undergraduate students to participate in an international study or work experience to strengthen their global skills and competencies, especially low-income students, students with disabilities, and Indigenous students who do not typically participate in this type of experience.

The Go Global First-Year Study Abroad Experience Program (Go Global STEPs) provides funding and comprehensive support for undergraduate students to participate in short-term faculty-led study abroad programs.

The iWIL Go Global program funds students to engage in international work-integrated learning opportunities, including global work-integrated learning experiences such as internships (paid or unpaid), co-operative education placements, community service-learning posts, and research projects abroad.

Both programs aim to provide equitable opportunities for high-quality international learning experiences, ensuring students of all abilities and backgrounds can broaden their worldviews, understand different cultures, and become part of a global community.

An online information session on Tuesday, Aug. 1, at 11 a.m. will offer faculty members more details about these programs.

This session promises valuable insights into program eligibility, financial support, program logistics, and how they can be accessed to support the internationalization of the campus through the undergraduate curriculum — all while providing a platform for networking and collaboration among faculty members.

Register to learn more about these opportunities and discover how you can contribute to fostering global perspectives among UWindsor students.

The Global Skills Opportunity Program is funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and provides funding for the Go Global program.