Residence and Food Services

Residence is So Much More Than Just a Place to Live!

Close to classes, on-campus events and additional facilities, residence life supports your personal growth, both academically and socially.

Participate in exclusive events, take a stroll along the riverfront or enjoy a diverse selection of food with your meal plan – all at your own convenience.

Learn outside the classroom and make lifelong connections by working as a desk assistant or join a Residence Committee.

Staff are on-call 24/7 and resident assistants (RAs) dedicate their time to enhancing your experience and supporting your transition to university.

Benefits of Living In Residence

* Information on these pages are subject to change

Academic & Personal Help On Hand

* Information on these pages are subject to change

Living Learning Communities

Live with students who share your academic program or interest. This allows you to connect with your classmates, join them for studying, work on group assignments, or attend social events. Our current offerings include Black Leadership and Excellence, and Nursing Communities. LLC students will be assigned in any of the residence halls.

Meal Plans

No need to prepare meals or go grocery shopping. For Fall and Winter, residence students are required to choose a meal plan from a variety of options, with values ranging from $2,875 to $3,200 per semester.

*You may use the meal plan to pay for food at all outlets on-campus as well as several nearby restaurants.

Residence Guarantee

Accommodations are guaranteed for First-Year students (coming directly from high school) who complete their residence application by the guarantee date (see website). After that date, they can still apply and room assignments are based on availability.

Special Considerations

A select number of rooms are available to students who require special accommodations. We make every effort to place students in rooms that best meet their needs.

Choice of Roommate

Students will be able to select their roommate through the application process.

Bookstore Plan

For greater convenience, you can add a Bookstore Plan to your Student ID Card. The Bookstore Plan is an optional add-on to your Residence fees.

All Gender

All residence halls are all-gender.

Alumni Hall


Click on the photo for full view
Cartier Hall


Click on the photo for full view
Laurier Hall

$7,087 – $8,744*

Click on the photo for full view
Rodzik Hall


Click on the photo for full view

* Information and Prices on these pages are subject to change

Where Will I Eat?

Eating on campus couldn’t be more convenient and satisfying. The Student Centre food court is jam-packed with eateries, and there are more scattered throughout campus. Your options are diverse — think shawarma, smoothies, sushi or subs; pasta, pizza or pulled pork lasagna. You’ll find popular franchises, gourmet coffee shops and local favourites.
You can use your meal plan everywhere on campus, including vending machines. It’s also accepted at our local restaurant partners: Harvey’s®, Pizza Pizza®, Green Bean and Wham Burger.

* Information and Prices on these pages are subject to change

Meal Plan Options

* Prices listed are for 2022-2023. Monies left in your account at the end of the fall semester are transferred in full to the winter semester.

Food Services
519-253-3000, Ext. 7016