Dr. Bharat Maheshwari
The University of Windsor MBA allows students from all undergraduate backgrounds to complete the program in 16 months, at one of the most affordable tuition fees in Canada. Experiential learning is at the heart of the program and students work with existing organizations on live issues and have the option to complete a work placement […]
Ainslie Waghorn
A double degree graduate from Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, Ainslie successfully navigated the new Common Final Examination (CFE) process and achieved honours standing on the September 2016 CFE. Ainslie uses his personal CFE writing experiences to help coach and mentor students to become successful case writers. After working for over 8 […]
Jules Hawkins
A transplant from the UK, this Cambridge-educated double-CPA, CA (UK and Ontario) is creating waves in Essex County and beyond. Jules has 15 years of big firm experience in the UK and Toronto, and 10 more years with smaller firms in Windsor. Although Jules has worked with businesses of all sizes – from new start-ups […]
Melissa Cuzzocrea
Melissa is a Director in Baker Tilly Windsor’s Audit and Assurance department. Melissa has over 20 years of accounting experience, most of which was spent in public accounting. She joined Baker Tilly Windsor in 2014 after spending eight years in the private automotive sector in a senior financial role. Melissa works primarily with owner-managed corporations […]
Summer Hedjazi
I am elated to have passed the CFE on my first attempt! The MBA-PAS program truly prepared me to be successful on the CFE exam. In the span of one year, I was able to obtain my MBA, as well as develop the skills necessary to be successful in my journey as a CPA. The […]
Andrew Drouillard
The unique benefit of pursuing an MBA as a Manager or Professional is the diversity of experience you and your classmates bring to the classes. The opportunity to ask questions about how concepts relate to scenarios you’ve encountered and to see how they’re applied to the breadth of industries of your peers is truly invaluable.
Business Administration – Professional Accounting Specialization, MBA
Business Administration – Managers & Professionals, MBA
Gerry Kerr
Gerry Kerr holds a Ph.D. from the Schulich School of Business at York University, and he joined the University of Windsor’s Odette School of Business in 2001. Articles spanning aspects of both Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship have appeared in Business Horizons, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Journal of Management History, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and Personnel Psychology, […]
Kent Walker
Kent is a professor in the Strategy and Entrepreneurship area and a previous director of the MBA program. He has taught MBA students for over 10 years and aligned with his research he teaches Business Ethics and Sustainability, as well as Mandate Consulting. He practices what he preaches as a part owner and instructor with […]
Hajar Fatemi
Hajar is a Ph.D. marketing graduate of McGill University in Montreal. Having worked for more than 5 years in the consulting industry, her academic journey was inspired by her business and professional experiences. Hajar’s research aligns with current trends in the Marketing field, which include topics such as consumer behavior, social marketing, advertising effectiveness, and […]
Dr. Anne W. Snowdon
Dr. Anne Snowdon is a Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Odette School of Business. Dr. Snowdon is currently leading a national Community of Practice focused on advancing supply chain resilience in Canadian health systems, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada for $2.5 million. This work builds on a […]
STEN 8990: Capstone Project
This final Capstone Project is the culmination of the MBA for Masters and Professionals (MandP) and is an opportunity for students to demonstrate and apply what they have learned in the program. The project can be undertaken with a current employer or a different organization. Students will be required to complete a final presentation and […]
STEN 8981: Strategic Management for MBA-PAS Program
This capstone course integrates the knowledge gained in prior courses and focuses it on the functions of top management of an organization. Working in teams and individually, at the conclusion of the course students will have synthesized comprehensive analyses of relevant information (e.g. MDandA, Budgets, financial statements, CPA codes of ethics, professional behaviour) to assess […]
STEN 8980: Strategic Management
This capstone course integrates the knowledge gained in prior courses and focuses it on the functions of top management of an organization. Working in teams and individually, at the conclusion of the course students will have synthesized comprehensive analyses of relevant information including ethical considerations regarding strategic issues; applied the rational decision-making model to develop, […]
STEN 8930: MBA Mandate Consulting
Students complete a consulting project for an organization. Project deliverables and scope must be approved by the Odette MBA Program Director or directing faculty member prior to student enrollment. Students may be required to complete a portion and/or all their work on-site at the Mandate Partner location. Students will be evaluated through regular course deliverables […]
STEN 8920: Special Topics in Strategy and Entrepreneurship
This course involves an investigation and discussion of contemporary issues in strategic management and entrepreneurship. The topics to be covered will vary from term to term according to current developments in the business world.
STEN 8900: Entrepreneurship: New Venture Formation and Management
This course examines entrepreneurship as an economic and a business phenomenon with special emphasis on the process of new venture creation. Through a mix of seminars, case studies, and field research, students explore the topics of finding new venture ideas, developing business ideas and business concepts, conducting feasibility studies, developing business plans, preparing deal structures, […]
STEN 8820: Manufacturing Strategy
Examines the use of manufacturing and operations as weapons in the firm’s competitive arsenal. It addresses strategic questions related to the choice of proper process technology, the determination of plant size and location, the extent of vertical integration and the continuous pursuit of quality and productivity.
STEN 8800: Managing the International Enterprise
This survey course gives students a basic understanding of the international business environment and of the decisions that managers make in international firms. The course begins by considering the historical development of international business and the current global focus of international firms. It then examines the international global environment, including theories of trade and foreign […]
BUSI 8696: Enterprise Development Consulting
Students will perform business consulting and market research for local organizations, giving them opportunities to network while applying skills and knowledge learned in the classroom to real life business situations. Semester-long projects covering different business areas are performed in small, supervised teams. Weekly class time is a round-table discussion format used for collaboration of ideas […]
STEN 8120: Project Management II
The course provides students with experience solving project management issues for industry partners in real time. Students complete project management tasks for projects focused on the mature stages of the industry/product life cycle, such as management of legacy products and services. The team will construct detailed project plans, including a critical appraisal of relevant literature […]
STEN 8110: Project Management I
Students will examine approaches to project management and apply project management principles to projects with industry partners. Project planning strategies for project implementation will be discussed relative to industry sectors. Problem solving, market research, critical thinking skills based on scientific inquiry in business will provide students with an understanding of project management competencies. Students will […]
MGMT 8600: Business Ethics and Sustainability
Students will critically examine existing structures, organizations, society, and perhaps, most importantly, themselves to see if these represent a means to freedom or domination, liberation or oppression, or some combination of both. Students will study the connection between our dominant paradigm of wealth maximization, social inequality, and environmental degradation. Through the use of experiential learning […]
MGMT 8480: Topics in Management and Labour Studies
A reading and research seminar which deals with major concepts and important current problems in the areas covered by Management and Labour Studies. The precise topic to be covered in a particular term will vary according to current interest and faculty availability and will be announced in the previous term.
MGMT 8470: Managing Diversity in Workplace
Addresses the dynamics of increasing diversity of the work force and the major challenges faced by organizations and their managers such as maintaining fairness and justice, making effective decisions for performance improvement, allowing flexibility and managing diversity in the global environment. The course also analyzes the legal frameworks in place which value and protect employee […]
MGMT 8460: Business Negotiation and Problem Solving
Highlights the role of effective negotiation for resolving conflict and sharing resources and power in complex organizations. Students will be exposed to various styles of negotiating, problem solving and bargaining strategies as well as communication approaches aimed at enhancing organizational performance.
MGMT 8420: International Management
Focuses on the problems and issues that confront managers in the area of international business. Background materials, cases, and exercises will involve the students in the challenges facing the international manager. A major objective is to develop a sensitivity that will enhance the student’s ability to operate in the complex environment of multicultural businesses.
MGMT 8130: Leadership and Organizational Change
Provides an analytical framework to understand organizational transformation through: leadership and vision building strategic human resources planning restructuring and redesigning and organization environment interactions. Students will focus on the practical aspects of diagnosing the need for change and supporting, facilitating, or leading the change process.
BUSI 8970: Thesis
Thesis (weight: 4 courses)
BUSI 8960: Major Paper
Major Paper (weight: 2 courses)
BUSI 8711: Fast-Track M.B.A Co-op Work Term
Fast-Track M.B.A Co-op Work Term
BUSI 8702: MBA Co-op Work Term II
MBA Co-op Work Term II
BUSI 8701: MBA Co-op Work Term I
MBA Co-op Work Term I
BUSI 8698: Strategic Management
This is the capstone course of the M.B.A. program. It integrates the knowledge gained in prior courses and focuses it on the functions of top management of an organization. Discussion of concepts and current practice are combined with case studies of strategic leadership and strategy formulation and implementation in a domestic and international environment.
BUSI 8690: Entrepreneurship: New Venture Formation and Management
Aiming at developing entrepreneurial thinking in students, this course examines entre- and intrapreneurship as an economic and a business phenomenon with special emphasis on the process of new venture creation. Students explore the topics of finding new venture ideas, developing business ideas and business concepts, conducting feasibility studies, developing business plans, preparing deal structures and […]
BUSI 8930: MBA Mandate Consulting
Students complete a consulting project for an organization. Project deliverables and scope must be approved by the Odette MBA Program Director or directing faculty member prior to student enrolment. Students may be required to complete a portion and/or all their work on-site at the Mandate Partner location. Students will be evaluated through regular course deliverables […]
BUSI 8680: Managing in the International Arena
Focuses on the problems and issues that confront managers in the area of international business. The course examines the international global environment, including theories of trade and foreign direct investment, balance of payments and international institutions and models for evaluating the environment in order to select the best international strategy or mode of entry for […]
BUSI 8673: Special Topics in Business
This course explores and applies theory to contemporary business issues. (Prerequisite: A minimum required grade of 80% and a minimum cumulative average of 75%.)
BUSI 8672: Maximizing the Value of the Organization
An advanced case course in financial management. Financial concepts and principles of managing a business enterprise are illustrated. Planning for the acquisition and use of funds so as to maximize the value of the firm is examined through the use of case analysis.
BUSI 8662: Advanced Business Agreements
This intensive seminar course provides learning experiences at the intersection of law and business. Through readings, mini lectures, and analysis of business agreements, students prepare for participation in class discussions to engage in active and collaborative learning. Discussions focus on real business agreements used as case studies to enhance experiential, interdisciplinary learning, where the diversity […]
BUSI 8661: Directed Study
Under faculty supervision, students undertake an in-depth, individualized program of study to pursue a topic of relevance to business and to develop, apply, and integrate the knowledge acquired in the program.
BUSI 8660: Management Skills Development
This course is designed to provide students with the management skills required for providing feedback, dealing with problem employees, coaching, and problem-solving. It is a practical course with ample opportunity for students to practice the skills in different settings and receive feedback on their performance. (Required for, and open only to, Fast Track students)
BUSI 8651: Reporting, Analyzing, and Using Accounting Information
Examines alternative approaches to generating, analyzing and using accounting information. It will emphasize the understanding and the application phases of accounting information by users. Topics include: Accounting entity concepts of control and significant influence; accounting policy choice; internal control; elements in the consolidated financial statements, such as owners’ equity, minority (non-controlling) interest and goodwill; profitability, […]
BUSI 8647: Business Negotiation and Problem Solving
Highlights the role of effective negotiation for resolving conflict and sharing resources and power in complex organizations. Students will be exposed to various styles of negotiating, problem solving and bargaining strategies as well as communication approaches aimed at enhancing organizational performance.
BUSI 8646: Dynamics of Business Negotiations
The course examines the role of effective negotiation for resolving conflict and sharing resources and power in complex organizations. Students will be exposed to various styles of negotiating, problem solving and bargaining strategies as well as communication approaches aimed at enhancing organizational performance.
BUSI 8613: Leadership and Organizational Change
Provides an analytical framework to understand organizational transformation through (a) leadership and vision building, (b) strategic human resources planning (c) restructuring and redesigning and (d) organization environment interactions. Students will focus on the practical aspects of diagnosing the need for change and supporting, facilitating, or leading the change process.
BUSI 8610: Business Law
This course examines common law principles and statutes affecting the business administrator’s decision-making process.
BUSI 8606: Strategic Implementation for Technologies Management
Strategic management of technology and innovation in established firms. The overall course objectives are to help students gain competence in (1) understanding the basic framework for the relationships among a business strategy, an information systems strategy and an organizational strategy; (2) developing an awareness of the range, scope and complexity of the issues and problems […]
BUSI 8514: Management Information Systems
Learn how to envision, design and evaluate computer-based solutions to typical business problems. Emphasis will be on the contemporary and emerging hardware/software tools, the managing of information, and information technology.
GENG 8040: Engineering Management Capstone (BUSI 8400)
This is a jointly instructed and administered course between the Faculty of Engineering and the Odette School of Business. The course is the last course students take in the Masters of Engineering Management program and has mandatory prerequisites. The goal is to allow students to practice all business and management theory they learned in previous […]
BUSI 8310: Financial and Managerial Accounting for Engineers
It is designed to provide engineers with a robust understanding of the core concepts and procedures of financial and management accounting which engineers need to enhance their capabilities as informed future managers and decision makers. It concentrates on financial reporting and interpretation to internal and external stakeholders of the organization. Issues of income determination, asset […]
BUSI 8300: Finance for Engineering Managers
The course covers the fundamental principles of financial management of business enterprises within the global financial environment. It also includes introduction to financial analysis, planning and models with applications for new ventures and corporations. There will also be specific focus on the entrepreneurial process, start-up finance, venture math, business valuation methods and new venture fundraising […]
BUSI 8150: Business Analytics
This course introduces business analytics concepts, methods, and models that develop a student’s ability to interpret, explain and analyze data. Students are provided with the background in quantitative techniques and probability theory that is necessary to understand and use analytics to solve business problems and make effective business decisions. Theoretical understanding is reinforced using practical […]
BUSI 8140: Digital Business Systems
Students will learn how to envision, design and evaluate computer-based solutions to typical business problems. The emphasis will be on the contemporary and emerging hardware/software tools, the managing of information, and information technology.
BUSI 8130: Human Resources Management
The course introduces the role of human resources activities in facilitating the achievement of organizational effectiveness. Students will examine the principles of human resources management and develop some skills they can apply in solving actual people problems at work. Particular attention is given to the roles of labour relations and trade unionism as they pertain […]
BUSI 8120: Financial Management
This course examines the firm’s long-term financial decisions. It focuses on the sources and the mechanics of obtaining long-term financing, together with a discussion of strategic decisions involving capital structure and dividends. The module includes a broader study of financial markets and instruments, including options, with applications in financial management.
BUSI 8110: Research Methodology
This course provides students with a broad understanding of methodological issues in research with a specific focus on marketing. Students will develop an understanding of research issues and processes from a business discipline perspective through classroom lectures as well as a hands-on, practical research project. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of research will be discussed.
BUSI 8100: Core Concepts of Accounting II
This is a continuation of BUSI-8020. This course further examines the use and interpretation of accounting information within the context of business and business decision-making. It will explore some of the ways in which accounting information may be utilized for business planning and to solve common business management problems. Core concepts of managerial accounting such […]
BUSI 8070: Financial and Managerial Accounting
This course concentrates on financial reporting and interpretation to internal and external stakeholders of the organization. It emphasizes the use of accounting information as part of the planning, decision-making, and control processes. Issues of income determination, asset and liability recognition, measurement and reporting will be addressed. It also offers an introduction to management’s use of […]
BUSI 8060: Managing Employees
Familiarise students with the knowledge, roles, responsibilities and skills required of today’s managers. Three approaches will be examined: systems, process, and behavioural. The contingency view of management as the process of organising resources to set and accomplish organizational goals will be emphasized.
BUSI 8050: Marketing Management
This course introduces appropriate marketing management concepts and techniques that can be applied to private sector business as well as to not-for-profit organizations’ marketing and communication activities. Emphasis will be on the marketing mix elements of product, price, place, and promotion.
BUSI 8040: Quantitative Techniques in Management
Provides students with a basic but solid background in the quantitative techniques used by successful business organizations. This module will focus on the important aspects of probability and statistics as they relate to the effective presentation of data and to decision-making under uncertainty; and on the use of mathematical modelling as it relates to problem-solving […]
BUSI 8030: Introduction to Financial Management
This course introduces the concepts and principles of financial management of the business enterprise within the global financial environment. After an introduction to domestic and international financial markets and instruments, the module covers the concepts of value, risk, and efficient markets followed by an introduction to capital budgeting, financial analysis and planning, and short-term financial […]
BUSI 8020: Core Concepts of Accounting I
This course provides students with the behavioural skills to be effective in organizations. Active listening, conflict resolution and running effective meetings, will be taught with a great deal of emphasis on the practice of these skills. The framework for this module will be the team environment, which many successful companies are moving toward. This module […]
BUSI 8010: Leadership and Interpersonal Dynamics
This course provides students with the behavioural skills to be effective in organizations. Active listening, conflict resolution and running effective meetings, will be taught with a great deal of emphasis on the practice of these skills. The framework for this module will be the team environment, which many successful companies are moving toward. This module […]
Sami Salim
The Master of Management has provided me with an exceptional career push, as I have finally passed the hurdles of entry level employment to jump into a managerial role. Class discussions and real-time case studies have truly nurtured me for different job circumstances. I am grateful for the Odette School of Business for making this […]
Master of Management, MoM
Program Streams Master of Management program courses are conducted over four terms (approximately 16 months). While you will study your specialization of choice, you will also be equipped with core business courses with multi-disciplinary relevance and receive the practical knowledge required to excel. Below, you will find a list of topics covered in each specialization. […]
BUSI 8400: Engineering Management Capstone (GENG 8040)
This is a jointly instructed and administered course between the Faculty of Engineering and the Odette School of Business. The course is the last course students take in the Masters of Engineering Management program and has mandatory prerequisites. The goal is to allow students to practice all business and management theory they learned in previous […]
STEN 8982: Strategic Management for MEM Program
This capstone course integrates the knowledge gained in prior courses and focuses it on the functions of top management of an organization. Working in teams and individually, at the conclusion of the course students will have synthesized comprehensive analyses of relevant information including ethical considerations, regarding strategic issues specific to innovation and commercialization of applied […]
GENG 8050: Data Analytics and Decision-Making
This course introduces fundamental concepts of data analytics and their application in decision-making. The emphasis is on the utilization of practical analytics tools in a complex engineering management environment. Topics covered may include the development and validation of decision-making models, data-based decision-making skills, decision variables, and constraints identification, sensitivity analysis, optimization, and predictive analysis. Students […]
BUSI 8300: Applied Finance for Engineering Managers
This course the fundamental principles of financial management of business enterprises within the global financial environment. It also includes an introduction to financial analysis, planning, and models with applications to new ventures and corporations. There will also be a specific focus on the entrepreneurial process, start-up finance, venture math, business valuation methods, and new venture […]
BUSI 8310: Financial and Managerial Accounting for Engineers
This course provides engineers enrolled in this program with a robust understanding of the core concepts and procedures of financial and management accounting which engineers need to enhance their capabilities as informed future managers and decision-makers. It concentrates on financial reporting and interpretation, to internal and external stakeholders of the organization. Issues of income determination, asset […]
Master of Business Administration – Full Time Program, MBA
MBA Director’s Message Dr. Bharat Maheshwari “The University of Windsor MBA allows students from all undergraduate backgrounds to complete the program in 16 months, at one of the most affordable tuition fees in Canada. Experiential learning is at the heart of the program and students work with existing organizations on live issues and have the […]
Business Administration and Psychology
Industrial Engineering with Minor in Business Administration
Kiefer Wright
The most impactful experience during my four years of undergraduate studies was my time spent in co-op. This hands-on experience had significantly boosted my confidence and expanded my professional network…. For me, co-operative education was the key to setting up my success…. My final co-op position was at Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA), the company responsible […]
Melanie St. Onge
During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in a diverse and dynamic learning environment. My program was designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in Business & Supply Chain Management, and it did so through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application. I also completed an internship at the Windsor-Detroit Bridge […]
Linden Crain
As a student in the Odette School of Business, my experience was nothing short of transformative. The course selection, combined with the supportive staff, helped prepare me for the challenges of the business world in my current role as a mortgage agent. Odette offers a strong program that focuses on practical application through real-world case […]
Aya Madi
The co-op program has been the most rewarding experience, allowing me to apply my technical skills in a real-world environment and setting me up for success.
Krista Abdel Sater
Completing my first co-op at one of the Big 4 accounting firms at 19 years old will definitely set me up for success when I’m job searching post-graduation. My experience as vice-President of Events and the Vice President of Corporate Relations in the main Odette undergraduate club will set me apart from others…. [and] going […]
Juris Doctor / Master of Business Administration MBA / JD
Business Administration and Women’s Gender Studies
Business Administration and Political Science
Business Administration and Mathematics
Business Administration and Computer Science
Business Administration and Economics
Hurditya Vivekananda
My time at Odette has genuinely equipped me for the future; these experiences have been enriching yet educational, purposeful yet enjoyable.
STEN 1000: Introduction to Business
This course takes a holistic approach in helping students develop an understanding of their future places, as entry-level managers, in business and other forms of organizations. Functional business learning is undertaken using the lecture method. In parallel, the basic elements of strategic management are introduced in order to develop students’ strategic thinking capabilities. Project work […]
MKTG 1310: Principles of Marketing
An introduction to the principles, concepts and techniques of marketing. A significant objective of the course is the development of a basic understanding of the marketing process and its role in the organization, in the economy, and in global markets.
MGMT 1000: Business Communications
Research has shown that effective communication skills are as necessary to career advancement as technical competence, work experience and academic qualifications. The importance of communication skills is not surprising when you consider that the average business manager spends 75-80% of the day communicating in one form or another. Thus, the focus of this course is […]
MATH 1980: Mathematics for Business
An introduction to concepts and techniques of mathematics useful in business situations. Topics include mathematical modeling of qualitative scenarios, linear simultaneous equations, inequalities, exponential and logarithmic functions, graphical linear programming, and probability. This course is intended for students in Business Administration. May not be taken for credit in any program within the Faculty of Science […]
Business Administration
The Odette School of Business
Learn from industry experts, gain practical experience, and build a network of lifelong friends at the Odette School of Business.